Scores and Comments

Deerfield Beach Historical Society Inc

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score549.000
Average Score91.500

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baker Holly 37 27 19 9 92
Falwell Kerry 37 26 18 8 89
Hipschman Dorrie 36 30 18 8 92
Horowitz Sharon 38 30 19 9 96
McLane Preston 37 27 19 8 91
Overton Robert 36 27 18 8 89


Baker Holly - Score: 92.000
I appreciate everything that the Deerfield Beach Historical Society has accomplished, and with no paid staff. I also appreciate it that you offer diversity specific programs such as the traveling exhibit "Black History of Deerfield Beach". It would be great if you could be open more days of the week so that more people could visit.
Falwell Kerry - Score: 89.000
More detail on direct economic impact by the Society would strengthen the application.
Hipschman Dorrie - Score: 92.000
{No comments provided.}
Horowitz Sharon - Score: 96.000
{No comments provided.}
McLane Preston - Score: 91.000
A detailed application with goals and activities keyed to grant-funded activities. (NOTE: The population directly benefiting section suggests that each cohort makes up exactly 1/4 of the organization's audiences; this seems unlikely.) 
Overton Robert - Score: 89.000
{No comments provided.}