Scores and Comments

Dunedin Museum, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score665.000
Average Score95.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baker Holly 37 28 19 10 94
Falwell Kerry 38 26 18 9 91
Hipschman Dorrie 40 30 20 8 98
Horowitz Sharon 38 28 19 9 94
McLane Preston 38 28 19 10 95
Overton Robert 39 29 19 9 96
Tomor Michael 39 29 20 9 97


Baker Holly - Score: 94.000
The goals and objectives of Dunedin Museum are very detailed and I appreciate that. The activities listed on your timeline are very impressive. You have compelling ideas for your three temporary exhibits that you have planned. I especially love the idea of an exhibit about The Women of Dunedin. I also appreciate that your museum is open six days a week and is very accessible and inclusive.
Falwell Kerry - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}
Hipschman Dorrie - Score: 98.000
{No comments provided.}
Horowitz Sharon - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}
McLane Preston - Score: 95.000
A very detailed and well-organized application with clearly articulated goals, objectives, activities, and measurable outcomes keyed to the grant period.
Overton Robert - Score: 96.000
Great application.
Tomor Michael - Score: 97.000

Excellence:  The mission, objectives, goals and activities are clear and measurable.  Partnerships seem sound, and timeline well developed.  Collections summary clear and conservation and registration processes in place.  No issues. 

Impact:  Solid impact statement.  

Management - Budgets are good - no challenges in understanding them.

ADA compliant and looking to continue to improve access through partnerships for minorities and special needs students and those with disabilities.  Reaching out with travelling kits to home schooled.