Scores and Comments

Florida Keys History of Diving Museum, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score539.000
Average Score89.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baker Holly 38 28 18 9 93
Falwell Kerry 37 25 19 8 89
Hipschman Dorrie 37 20 18 7 82
Horowitz Sharon 40 29 19 8 96
McLane Preston 36 28 19 8 91
Overton Robert 37 27 18 6 88


Baker Holly - Score: 93.000
The Florida Keys History of Diving Museum is a unique museum with compelling programs such as Dive Into History, Immerse Yourself, Museum in Motion, Dive Into Art, and the Diving With a Purpose Exhibit. I appreciate it that you are involved with the National Association of Black Scuba Divers and Diving With a Purpose. I wish there had not been a few typos in your application. Other than that, I am very impressed. Well done.
Falwell Kerry - Score: 89.000
Application would be strengthened with more direct economic impact data from the Museum.
Hipschman Dorrie - Score: 82.000

Timeline should include which specific activities  you plan to conduct in the grant period.

Are your impact numbers correct?  You show 2,712 individuals, but the text indicates that you had 17,000 admissions last FY.

More formal evaluation methods might be useful

Recommend completing the 504 Self Evaluation as it is part of the quantitative measurements grant reviewers must use. 

Horowitz Sharon - Score: 96.000
{No comments provided.}
McLane Preston - Score: 91.000
A well structured application with goals, activities, and events keyed to budget expenses.
Overton Robert - Score: 88.000

Applicant should complete a Section 504 Self Evaluation Workbook or the Abbreviated Accessibility Checklist from the National Endowment for the Arts.