Scores and Comments

Reflections of Manatee, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score651.000
Average Score93.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baker Holly 37 29 19 10 95
Falwell Kerry 38 29 19 8 94
Hipschman Dorrie 40 30 13 8 91
Horowitz Sharon 38 28 18 9 93
McLane Preston 38 28 17 10 93
Overton Robert 38 28 17 8 91
Tomor Michael 39 27 19 9 94


Baker Holly - Score: 95.000
I really appreciate that you have an exhibit called "Freedom Seekers at the Manatee" about the maroon community of Angola and you have a focus on Florida's Underground Railroad. I am also intrigued by the Back to Angola festival that attracts the Bahamian community. It is great that you are reflecting the diverse history of Manatee.
Falwell Kerry - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}
Hipschman Dorrie - Score: 91.000


1.  If staff members are continuing to provide in-kind services, you'll need to be careful to conform for state and federal laws regarding employees also volunteering.

2.  Next year shows a deficit budget.  There is also a substantial jump in remaining operating expenses.  Please explain.

Horowitz Sharon - Score: 93.000
{No comments provided.}
McLane Preston - Score: 93.000
Excellent organization around clearly articulated goals, objectives, and activities supported by grant-funded expenses. In future applications, take note of the formatting (paragraph breaks, indentation, bullets, etc.) when cutting and pasting from other sources.
Overton Robert - Score: 91.000
Please make sure you are following state and federal rules pertaining to employing volunteers.
Tomor Michael - Score: 94.000

Excellence:  Outreach in form of tours, brochures, lectures, school trips, website, outdoor signage and hosted events.  A new Visitors Center opening in 2019.  They provide as a central clearing house for historic restoration projects and historic events.  They want to continue providing displays, education outreach, on-site programming and offer themselves as a resource. Good summary of partnerships and roles and responsibility.  Timeline is reasonable and ambitious. Collections size, scope, and care is well developed.  

Impact - ambitious but realistic, well explained, with the beginnings of a strategy to market their programs and resources. 

Management:  They appear to be looking for support to hire a part time administrator for $5K along with a Ed/Ex/Coll manager for $5K with grant funds, with currently only a part time Ed/Ex/Coll manager on staff now (programmatic outside fees).  It's a modest grant that could make a difference. 

ADA:  With intention, Reflections of Manatee addressed some major ADA access issues by installing ramps and bathrooms and have a strategy to update their exhibition panels and texts by increasing font sizes and offering text in Spanish.