Scores and Comments

Heritage Museum Association, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score578.000
Average Score82.571

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baker Holly 37 27 18 10 92
Falwell Kerry 33 17 17 8 75
Hipschman Dorrie 20 19 15 10 64
Horowitz Sharon 40 25 19 10 94
McLane Preston 35 23 16 9 83
Overton Robert 37 28 19 9 93
Tomor Michael 30 23 16 8 77


Baker Holly - Score: 92.000
It would be wonderful if a new classroom could lead to more school tours and educational programs at your museum. I appreciate that your plans will positively impact and engage with 100 artists. It is important to keep skills alive pertaining to blacksmithing, woodturning, timber frame building, etc. 
Falwell Kerry - Score: 75.000
Project Description does not clearly state the goal and corresponding objective and activities. Description and Collection Summary have missing sections such as "name exhibits". No direct economic impact listed.
Hipschman Dorrie - Score: 64.000

Excellence - This is not a capital project, but the goals are all about a building.  I am confused about what you are trying to accomplish and what you are requesting funding.  The timeline has nothing to do with the funding request.

Impact - What are the 12 events?  What are the artists involved.  Serving only 450 for $24,000 people is a lot.

This organization has only one paid staff person, and the budget for staff has declined substantially.  How is the programs, construction and collection work being managed?  How are you addressing a very substantial annual deficit?  The minimal level of private support is a large concern. Is this organization important to its community?  

The project budget lists self-guided tours, field trip, symposiums, and charities as income, but these don't appear in the overall organizational budget.

The letters of support do not seem to be for this grant.


Horowitz Sharon - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}
McLane Preston - Score: 83.000
A worthy project with interesting programming, but the application did not set forth clear and measurable goals and activities, and very low impact numbers (few proposed events, and low youth engagement) reported by the applicant are concerning.
Overton Robert - Score: 93.000
An explanation of how you plan to deal with your budget deficit would have been helpful.
Tomor Michael - Score: 77.000

Excellence:  I'm having a difficult time getting my head around this organization and their grant request.  They are proposing to use DCA funds to support a contract educator to facilitate on and offsite education programs.  The organization has explained what it cannot accomplish and how it cannot meet its challenges with its existing space limitations, although it appears with community partnerships hosting their programs offsite, they may be able to accommodate more participants and offer more programs.   Key to overcoming the limited spaces and offer programs offsite, partnership programs offsite with Okaloosa County Schools, Northwest Florida State College, University of West Florida, and Eglin Air Force Base are mentioned but letters of support from those partners and marketing materials are not included in the application and would have strengthened the grant. In the meantime, they are proposing an expansion that may happen in the grant time period, which will alleviate the programmatic challenges as well as ADA enhancements?  Maybe this should have been a bit more focused?

Impact: The proposal suggests a partnership with the County Schools, zero school based youth will be engaged, but then in the proposal impact statement it suggest that six different tour options for schools are available.  Regarding marketing, again reference to partnership with partnering organizations to get the word out but no one in particular has been mentioned for this grant or mentioned to have worked with them in the past.  With a quick google search and search on the website, I was unable to pull up any materials mentioning programs such as Smoke the Coast, Saturday in the Park and Movies on the Glenn or marketing materials on any of these programs from their agency or other agencies.  Again, a bit challenged by the lack of information provided. 

Management: The budget and project budget are modest and although I am uncertain of a doubling of the revenue generated from contract employees in the institutional budget from $4K to $9K, it's still modest.  Same with some other swings in budget from one year to the next.  Nothing alarming, but additional proposal budget information would have been helpful here.  

Accessibility:  With the renovation/expansion the ADA explanation the first four directives relate to the future plans and how existing conditions will improve.  I may have missed the note the expansion will happen or is proposed to happen.  I may need some clarification on this.  Again, nothing alarming.