Scores and Comments

Ormond Beach Historical Society, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score624.000
Average Score89.143

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Baker Holly 36 27 19 9 91
Falwell Kerry 39 28 18 8 93
Hipschman Dorrie 37 30 18 10 95
Horowitz Sharon 35 30 10 10 85
McLane Preston 36 27 16 9 88
Overton Robert 39 29 18 8 94
Tomor Michael 32 23 14 9 78


Baker Holly - Score: 91.000
I would have liked a little more details pertaining to goals and objectives, such as specific ideas for the planned rotating exhibits. Other than that and a few other small issues, this is a strong application. 
Falwell Kerry - Score: 93.000
{No comments provided.}
Hipschman Dorrie - Score: 95.000

Did not effect scoring  - but I recommend that the grant writer review the grant prior to submission to ensure that the formatting is correct.

Why is there a (small) deficit projected for next fiscal year?

Horowitz Sharon - Score: 85.000
The grantee includes preservation and maintenance of this historic site in the grant.  Objectives should be cultural in nature.  Other State of Florida Grants are available for preservation.
McLane Preston - Score: 88.000
A well-structured grant application that provides a good level of detail. Additional narrative could help in conveying the "story" of your organization. In the future, pay close attention to formatting, as the text, bulleting, and paragraph breaks do not always translate through cut-and-paste. 
Overton Robert - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}
Tomor Michael - Score: 78.000

Overall, the grant proposal left the reviewer with more questions than answers.

Excellence: It would have been helpful to the reviewer if in summary the relationship between the Society and MacDonald House, Anderson-Price Building, the Cupola and 3 Chimneys Archaeology site was part of the mission, objectives, somewhere in the beginning.  There is reference to the latter two in the partnerships, but MacDonald House and Anderson Price Building are missing. Collections: number of objects and where the climate controlled area exists. How are the collections used and how are they shared?  

Impact:  Not sure how the public can participate in 57 events when only 21 are proposed during the grant cycle.  If the mission is to educate the public about Ormond Beach, why are K-12 students noticeably a fraction (250 out of 9,238) of those reached.  The reader is having a hard time understanding impact as it relates to audience development and outreach - the PPT brochure was helpful.

Management: The budget suggests without the grant, which is a 1:1 match for personnel and outside fees, they may not have enough to operate with full time staff? $40K - it's a bit risky should that funding not be available from the state. What is the fallback position?   

Accessibility - no major issues shared or noted.