Scores and Comments


Grace Arts Center, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeFast Track Project - July-December
Request Amount
Total Score259.000
Average Score86.333

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Total
Grimsley Ginny 93
Grundy-Lester Gabrielle 87
Schnell Adam 79


Grimsley Ginny - Score: 93.000

+Very interesting concept in proposal

+Great use of grant funds: artists & videographers. This is specific to your mission & fits perfectly.

-kind of vague as to how you will use dance, painting, muralists and theatre at the same time. Perhaps more defined activities can be shown.

Grundy-Lester Gabrielle - Score: 87.000
{No comments provided.}
Schnell Adam - Score: 79.000
I am perplexed by this proposal. I am left wondering what we are actually funding. I understand that you are asking for support for artists/technicians, but for someone who is unfamiliar with your organization or the places/events you perform at, the whole proposal is very confusing.