Scores and Comments


Henry Nehrling Society, Inc. dba Nehrling Gardens

Application Details

Proposal TypeFast Track Project - July-December
Request Amount
Total Score263.000
Average Score87.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Total
Grimsley Ginny 90
Grundy-Lester Gabrielle 93
Schnell Adam 80


Grimsley Ginny - Score: 90.000

+clear proposal, budget & objectives

-more description of Henry Nehrling himself and link this to the project.

Grundy-Lester Gabrielle - Score: 93.000
{No comments provided.}
Schnell Adam - Score: 80.000
This is a well written and well thought out proposal. I wish you could have a larger impact, but I understand you are a small organization.