Scores and Comments



Application Details

Proposal TypeFast Track Project - July-December
Request Amount
Total Score154.000
Average Score51.333

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Total
Grimsley Ginny 55
Grundy-Lester Gabrielle 44
Schnell Adam 55


Grimsley Ginny - Score: 55.000

+Positive idea (clay demonstrations in schools)

+504 Accessibility training

-very poorly written proposal (grammar, punctuation, focus, clarity)

+You might consider hiring an intern at your local community college or university to assist you with writing your grant in the future. They are happy to volunteer their time to build resumes for such things. :)



Grundy-Lester Gabrielle - Score: 44.000
There is no clear mission statement, nor is there clear and concise content to describe what the organization intends to do with state support. There is no clear and concise content that tells about the organization.  There are incomplete statements, and sentences that are broken and simply factions of thoughts or statements.  While the operating budget has been provided, the request for funding is nearly 41% higher than the overall organizational budget and there is no clear method of matching state funding, especially given that the revenue for the organization is $1,480 and the request is for $2,500.  Even in trying to find some valuable content by referencing the organization's website, this site does not reflect that of a cultural organization that helps the community through the arts or contributes to making Florida a stellar cultural state.      
Schnell Adam - Score: 55.000
This proposal is incomplete. You are asking for funding for art supplies but you activities only include a sculpture show. Additionally, the proposal is poorly written and lacks detail.