Scores and Comments


Theater with a Mission, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeFast Track Project - July-December
Request Amount
Total Score280.000
Average Score93.333

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Total
Grimsley Ginny 100
Grundy-Lester Gabrielle 96
Schnell Adam 84


Grimsley Ginny - Score: 100.000

+Well-written, engaging language in grant writing

+Fantastic idea!

+Chocolate for surveys! YES!

+Very specific evaluation plan

+exemplary grant

Grundy-Lester Gabrielle - Score: 96.000
Love the practice of trading chocolate for completed surveys. 
Schnell Adam - Score: 84.000
This is a well thought out proposal with a credible amount of detail. I wish I knew a little more about your organization as a whole.