Scores and Comments


Apex Theatre Studio Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeFast Track Project - July-December
Request Amount
Total Score270.000
Average Score90.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Total
Grimsley Ginny 96
Grundy-Lester Gabrielle 89
Schnell Adam 85


Grimsley Ginny - Score: 96.000

+engaging content

+very well-written grant

+creative idea

+detailed budget

-sparse evaluation plan

-Abbreviated 504 2/18--work to get that 504 accomplished

Grundy-Lester Gabrielle - Score: 89.000
{No comments provided.}
Schnell Adam - Score: 85.000
This is a well crafted and well written proposal with clear goals, measurable objectives, and a sufficient amount of detail comparative to the scope of the request.