Scores and Comments

Atlantic Classical Orchestra, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score556.000
Average Score92.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Capote Manuel 37 27 18 10 92
Gwinn Elizabeth 36 28 17 9 90
Lautar Rebecca 40 30 20 10 100
Quinlan Laura 38 27 15 10 90
Schillhammer David 39 29 17 9 94
Stringer Amanda 38 26 16 10 90


Capote Manuel - Score: 92.000

Excellent product with  variety of venues.

Good educational and outreach efforts.

Good budget and private support

Gwinn Elizabeth - Score: 90.000

Goals and objectives are not as clear as they could be.

Good explanation of change in budget/staffing

Strong growth into Palm Beach County


Lautar Rebecca - Score: 100.000
Detailed application; the organization has concrete business and marketing strategies and assessments in place; educational outreach includes students attending performances and receiving coaching and master classes. Strong partnerships in evidence.
Quinlan Laura - Score: 90.000

Rappaport Prize is very interesting, the creation of new work should be a great way for the organization to expand its reach to new audiences. Very interesting list of past winners.

The grant as it is written does not serve the organization well. For an organization just under a million dollar budget, I suggest to get fresh professional assistance with grantwriting. The best way to become a better grant writer is to serve on a grant panel.....

Project budget detail does not match with organization budget summary.

Endowment draw $49,955 ? in proposed budget? shouldn't proposed org budget for upcoming year be a net 0?

nice looking support materials

Schillhammer David - Score: 94.000

Great recordings - congratulations on the hiring of new Music Director - this always stirs interest in the community.  


Be careful and proof-read your application - there were a lot of typos.


Curious as to why you are in this grant category when you qualify for the higher category and potentially more funding.

Stringer Amanda - Score: 90.000
When I type "Atlantic Classical Orchestra" into google, it doesn't come up as a first search prospect.  Get some help on this!