Scores and Comments

Ritz Chamber Music Society, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score536.000
Average Score89.333

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Capote Manuel 35 25 15 10 85
Gwinn Elizabeth 37 28 17 10 92
Lautar Rebecca 31 23 15 10 79
Quinlan Laura 37 30 17 10 94
Schillhammer David 38 29 18 10 95
Stringer Amanda 38 28 16 9 91


Capote Manuel - Score: 85.000

Admirable goal of reaching out to and involving African-American communities, composers, and chamber music.

Budget concerns - travel and administrative costs seem high in proportion with the rest of the budget.

Gwinn Elizabeth - Score: 92.000

Great mission and programming

More detail on your programming outside of Jacksonville would be helpful

Would prefer to see more than just how you will spend the State grant award and match in the Project Budget.


Lautar Rebecca - Score: 79.000
Though the group has an important charge, the application does not provide enough specific details to warrant a rating sufficient for grant consideration. A strategic plan outlining specific targets for audience development, and inclusion of details about about school or community programs targeting specific student or senior populations would enhance a future application. If school performances are a goal for youth education, inclusion of sample programs, educational materials or description of target populations, implementation and assessment of student learning would greatly improve the application.
Quinlan Laura - Score: 94.000

organization budget very modest

no project budget here

nice to see in a list of applications talking about diversity, programming that stems from diverse composers.


Schillhammer David - Score: 95.000

Definitely a place for you in Northeast Florida - I applaud your diversity and outreach.

Stringer Amanda - Score: 91.000

I have know about Gateways but not Ritz.  Happy to learn about this organization!

Insufficient support materials. I went to the "listening room" on website. At the very least links to this page could have been included in grant.