Scores and Comments

Opera Orlando, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score550.000
Average Score91.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Capote Manuel 37 27 18 10 92
Gwinn Elizabeth 35 27 18 10 90
Lautar Rebecca 32 27 20 10 89
Quinlan Laura 38 27 20 10 95
Schillhammer David 38 29 19 10 96
Stringer Amanda 35 27 16 10 88


Capote Manuel - Score: 92.000

Excellent product.

Balanced use of local artists is a plus.

Open dress rehearsals, free classroom concerts, Opera Youth company, and Summer Opera institute are other pluses.

Good budget with surplus.

Gwinn Elizabeth - Score: 90.000

Great community support from volunteers and partners

Application would benefit from better support materials--published reviews, patron feedback, financial statements, audience surveys and/or survey results, etc.




Lautar Rebecca - Score: 89.000
Future applications would have more impact if numbers were included regarding plans to reach goals--current audience numbers vs those expected after implementation of objectives plans, for example. It seems that there are collaborations/partnerships but none are listed officially. (Applicant also needed to complete the identifiers correctly at the start of the application-maybe a database glitch?) The organization's educational program is developing, combining both concert attendance opportunities and training for youth. Seems that the organization is really successfully rebuilding since its restart in 2009.
Quinlan Laura - Score: 95.000

no corp support in budget ?

it would be nice to see some detail in the project budget detail.

rapidly growing organization, solid administration, clear goals and objectives

nice looking support docs

Schillhammer David - Score: 96.000
Glad to read about the dedication of the community to ensure the organization's success.  Would have liked to hear a recording or see a video.
Stringer Amanda - Score: 88.000

Wild budget fluctuations with no explanation. 

#8 marketing, jump from $27K to $78K?

#9 remaining operating from 10K to 111K?

#14 Foundation support

#19 applicant cash says "debt" to me. You say in "fiscal condition" section that there are recorded surplus revenues each year. What is applicant cash, then?

There are no work samples