Scores and Comments

Miami Children's Chorus, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score550.000
Average Score91.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Capote Manuel 36 26 16 10 88
Gwinn Elizabeth 36 26 18 9 89
Lautar Rebecca 40 30 20 10 100
Quinlan Laura 35 25 20 10 90
Schillhammer David 39 28 19 7 93
Stringer Amanda 34 26 20 10 90


Capote Manuel - Score: 88.000
Long standing organization with an excellent product.
Gwinn Elizabeth - Score: 89.000

Interesting variety of music

Good focus on engaging boys in singing

Impressive history and partnerships


Lautar Rebecca - Score: 100.000
Detailed proposal, broad range of educational experiences for members and community, several strong partnerships that focus on outreach and free participation events (sing alongs and group lessons).
Quinlan Laura - Score: 90.000
Project budget detail does not correlate to organization budget summary
Schillhammer David - Score: 93.000

Wonderful history and programs. I can appreciate going with successful programs that you have been doing for years because they work.  But to grow, perhaps you need to investigate new, innovative programs and performances.  Maybe with the New works for Children's Voices.  


Not enough info on accessibility.

Stringer Amanda - Score: 90.000
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