Scores and Comments

American Children's Orchestras for Peace, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score540.000
Average Score90.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Capote Manuel 33 23 7 8 71
Gwinn Elizabeth 36 27 17 10 90
Lautar Rebecca 40 30 20 10 100
Quinlan Laura 30 21 20 10 81
Schillhammer David 40 30 18 10 98
Stringer Amanda 40 30 20 10 100


Capote Manuel - Score: 71.000

The program goals of providing musical involvement and instruction for at risk youth are worthwhile.

The classical component is for a limited number of string instruments (only 3) and only Suzuki (?)

Moe specifics are need regarding the other two component groups.

However, more specifics are needed. What are the locations where the rehearsals and instruction take place. Specific dates and locations of concerts. How many teachers

The majority of your budget goes to administrative(?)

Gwinn Elizabeth - Score: 90.000

Excellent partnerships and programming

Serving significant at-risk populations with high-quality programming and engaging their families--wonderful

The grant has several long paragraphs that are hard to read--break them into shorter paragraphs next time

Encourage you to do more with public relations--this is a program more Miami folks should know about and would boost your fundraising 

The vast majority of funding is from government grants which makes this program vulnerable to funding cuts 

Lautar Rebecca - Score: 100.000
Organization documents an extensive and long-term educational experience for a variety of student populations, especially those at-risk. The partnerships document the extensive range of entities that support the organization's mission. Supporting materials are comprehensive and demonstrate excellence.
Quinlan Laura - Score: 81.000

Marketing $50 / year? 

Miami-Dade is not a Rural Economic Development county...

not able to view video presentation so not able to really review support docs.

Schillhammer David - Score: 98.000

Very impressive goals and the steps to continue accomplishing them.  

Enjoyed the video.


What are the outside fees & services you are going to use these grant funds for?

Stringer Amanda - Score: 100.000
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