Scores and Comments

Gainesville Chamber Orchestra, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score529.000
Average Score88.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Capote Manuel 37 27 17 10 91
Gwinn Elizabeth 32 25 15 9 81
Lautar Rebecca 37 28 20 10 95
Quinlan Laura 35 25 15 9 84
Schillhammer David 37 25 16 10 88
Stringer Amanda 36 28 16 10 90


Capote Manuel - Score: 91.000

Valuable symphonic contribution to Gainesville area.

Budget looks good

Concern over large number of children at the single children's concert (1,650).

Consider doing two with smaller student audience.


Gwinn Elizabeth - Score: 81.000

Marketing information is thin

Good detail in proposal budget

Consider digital marketing via targeted social media

Ticket sales seem very low


Lautar Rebecca - Score: 95.000
Strong application. The "Walk Thru the Orchestra" concert provided a beneficial experience to school students, and supporting letter was helpful in documenting that impact. It is hoped that the testing schedule allows for future presentations!
Quinlan Laura - Score: 84.000

only professional orch between jacksonville and tampa? - prior application comes from ocala, perhaps others.


low impact numbers - maybe give 1 big public show each year to reach large numbers


no space rental costs?

budget details don’t reflect on overall budget


Schillhammer David - Score: 88.000

Sorry about the Children's Concert being cancelled and hopefully you are on the calendar for this next year.

Impact is limited to your concert audiences - outreach into the community at large is practically non-existent.  Have you considered free concerts, family concerts, that are sponsored or underwritten?  Your free tickets to schools and special groups is commendable but only a small percentage of the community benefits.

Stringer Amanda - Score: 90.000
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