Scores and Comments

Boca Raton Philharmonic Symphonia, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score550.000
Average Score91.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Capote Manuel 35 25 15 10 85
Gwinn Elizabeth 39 28 19 9 95
Lautar Rebecca 36 27 20 10 93
Quinlan Laura 35 27 18 10 90
Schillhammer David 38 29 18 9 94
Stringer Amanda 38 27 18 10 93


Capote Manuel - Score: 85.000

The 'Meet the Orchestra' series is excellent. That involves children being able to come to you.

Please consider adding open rehearsals for students and more concerts in or for school children, especially for underserved children.


Gwinn Elizabeth - Score: 95.000

Growth of programming is sound

Project reSOUND is very interesting; In addition to tracking participation numbers, it will be important to evaluate whether or not the program helps the constituents.

Excellent guest artists

Lautar Rebecca - Score: 93.000

The organization is very strong. In future applications, more details in the Impact section of the application regarding economic impact, more information on the numbers of students/seniors attending the specialty Box Lunch or Meet the Orchestra programs would be important additions. A strategic plan or more detailed outline goals or expectations of audience growth through the introduction of the different types of concert series would also be helpful in increasing the overall rating in future applications. The new outreach program reSOUND is admirable.


The applicant status section is not completed. Not sure if that was a system glitch or not.

Quinlan Laura - Score: 90.000

org should review goals i grant - these sound like grant-ese and not really specific to what the org does, how it is run and takes part in the community


South Florida’s only professional chamber orchestra?  Not sure about that .....

a lot of private support


nice to see real fees paid to musicians, supplemented with guest artists

Schillhammer David - Score: 94.000

Love the After Dark idea - hope it is successful.  A great way to reach a new audience.

Stringer Amanda - Score: 93.000
Comment on use of the word "Connoisseur"