Scores and Comments

Gulfshore Opera, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score521.000
Average Score86.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Capote Manuel 37 27 15 10 89
Gwinn Elizabeth 31 26 17 9 83
Lautar Rebecca 28 24 18 10 80
Quinlan Laura 34 25 20 8 87
Schillhammer David 35 28 18 9 90
Stringer Amanda 36 26 20 10 92


Capote Manuel - Score: 89.000

Accessible venues and community/educational components.

Need to increase Corporate support!

Gwinn Elizabeth - Score: 83.000

Marketing plan is vague

The patron evaluation survey is good.  I would have liked to learn about what you learned and how you would adjust your programming/marketing etc. to better serve your audience


Lautar Rebecca - Score: 80.000

Application requests funding for educational and community outreach but is not specific in details as to how this will be implemented. Identifying targeted schools and providing more information about curriculum or a sample model of such programs would assist in strengthening future applications. This could include details regarding educational structure, hours, activities expected in youth programs. Future applications can provide more details regarding the organization's specific goals and expertise in providing training for students with disabilities.

Quinlan Laura - Score: 87.000
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Schillhammer David - Score: 90.000


No In-Kind Contributions?


There was no video or recording - it would have been helpful.


If only 24% of the attendees are local, and not widely attended by out of state, where are they coming from?

Stringer Amanda - Score: 92.000
{No comments provided.}