Scores and Comments

Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score554.000
Average Score92.333

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Capote Manuel 35 25 15 8 83
Gwinn Elizabeth 39 27 20 10 96
Lautar Rebecca 37 30 20 10 97
Quinlan Laura 38 28 18 10 94
Schillhammer David 37 28 18 9 92
Stringer Amanda 40 22 20 10 92


Capote Manuel - Score: 83.000

My only concerns are the costliness is the "superstar" concept. 

That there be a good balance between serving the needs of the "rural" Nassau County residents with those of the seasonal "tourist" visitors.

Percentage of Outside Fees and Services: Programmatic $221,172 to Total Operating Income: $476, 214 seems  a bit high.


Gwinn Elizabeth - Score: 96.000

Glad to see you are developing a strategic plan with a related succession plan for key staff.  This is integral to the health of the organization

Excellent community support for the Festival

Very strong student education and partnerships

Excellent ticket sales growth

Glad to see the beginning of an Endowment and planned giving society

Lautar Rebecca - Score: 97.000
Very detailed application, support materials excellent. Strong partnership support from Amelia Island Tourist Development Council and support letters from community partners document the economic and community impact in the organization's service area.
Quinlan Laura - Score: 94.000

project budget detail has no detail

world class artists

grant shows the value that the community places on the program, lots of local support.

Schillhammer David - Score: 92.000

Great efforts for outreach in community. You definitely fill a need.  Proposal budget could have included more details - where is funding coming from and where is it going.

You mention lots of in-kind support but only are using $2,000 of it in your budget.  You certainly can claim more.

Stringer Amanda - Score: 92.000

Impressive line-up!

Why the $35K drop in corporate sponsorships and private support? Line 13 and 15.