Scores and Comments

New Canon Chamber Collective Inc

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score507.000
Average Score84.500

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 36 26 16 10 88
Allocco Kelly 34 25 17 6 82
Calzolari Laura 37 26 14 10 87
Miller Lisa 37 20 19 10 86
Shannon Jerome 35 15 20 10 80
Stringer Amanda 34 24 16 10 84


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 88.000
{No comments provided.}
Allocco Kelly - Score: 82.000
Narratives were extremely limited in scope and detail. No economic impact or education and outreach initiatives.  Marketing detail was limited as well. Accessibility narrative needs to include more than just the physical venue aspect, but also should include programmatic and organizational initiatives and activities (marketing materials, website, Compliance officer and policies, assistive listening, sign language interpretation, large print brochures, etc.). ADA self-evaluation should be completed more frequently - your last one was in 2013.  
Calzolari Laura - Score: 87.000

Upbeat Miami  brings low-income kids from underserved communities to perform for isolated, vulnerable groups (seniors, hospital patients) and the general public at events such as the Miami Book Fair simply to spread the joys of classical music. This is acomplished by dedicated volunteers on a shoestring budget.

Miller Lisa - Score: 86.000
{No comments provided.}
Shannon Jerome - Score: 80.000
{No comments provided.}
Stringer Amanda - Score: 84.000