Scores and Comments

Miami Youth for Chamber Music, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score541.000
Average Score90.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 38 27 19 10 94
Allocco Kelly 36 25 20 10 91
Calzolari Laura 37 28 17 8 90
Miller Lisa 36 20 19 10 85
Shannon Jerome 35 25 15 10 85
Stringer Amanda 38 28 20 10 96


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}
Allocco Kelly - Score: 91.000

You need to explain what your partnerships actually include?  A list of names does not tell the panel anything.

Proposal Impact - good ed & outreach but you did not answer the economic impact question!

Excellent Accessibility narrative!


Calzolari Laura - Score: 90.000

The festival is a superior program providing advanced high school students with coaching and side-by-side performance with some of South Florida's finest artist-teachers.  

Management: More information on the lower levels of instruction, particularly on progress and continuity, would better inform reviewers about the effectiveness of the program.

Miller Lisa - Score: 85.000
I liked the format for your application.
Shannon Jerome - Score: 85.000
{No comments provided.}
Stringer Amanda - Score: 96.000
{No comments provided.}