Scores and Comments

Naples Music Club

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score525.000
Average Score87.500

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 34 28 16 10 88
Allocco Kelly 38 27 19 7 91
Calzolari Laura 37 29 16 10 92
Miller Lisa 35 25 18 10 88
Shannon Jerome 35 25 10 10 80
Stringer Amanda 35 25 16 10 86


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 88.000
{No comments provided.}
Allocco Kelly - Score: 91.000

tons of events! :) 

Need to address economic impact in narrative! Question was not answered.


Need to improve accessibility narrative.

Calzolari Laura - Score: 92.000

Bravo to the longstanding Naples Music Club for its commitment to music and early childhood education.  I am impressed with the attention to research in curriculum design, evaluation, program breadth, cost-effective, quality instruction, careful budgetting. 

Management: It is quite amazing that all of this is organized and managed by volunteers.  However, if the program continues to grow (and we certainly hope it does!) a paid adminstrator may be warranted. Additionally a composite video of clips from various programs will paint a much clearer picture of your excellent work


Miller Lisa - Score: 88.000
The timeline typically is a month by month listing of activities in support of the grant
Shannon Jerome - Score: 80.000
timeline - no specific activity dates. no audio/video work samples.
Stringer Amanda - Score: 86.000
I think that this organization has a very worthy mission, and I note that both on its website and on the grant application, they understandably expresses great pride in the number of scholarships provided to needy music students. However, I feel that the organization is verging on breaking the "no re-granting" rule for DOS grants. The budget indicates that grant funds will be used to pay teachers in the amount of $27,500. This, plus the indicated grants funds used for "major fund raiser" (line $3,500 and definitely not allowed), equal $30,000--roughly the amount given in scholarships. I recognize that it is allowed to ask for salaries, but given that by underwriting salaries, the grant money frees up nearly an identical amount for scholarships, this almost seems like re-granting to me. This said, since the Division has allowed the request, I will not score lowly based on this, but rather caution the organization to revisit this.