Scores and Comments

Treasure Coast Community Singers, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score538.000
Average Score89.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 38 28 18 10 94
Allocco Kelly 39 29 18 10 96
Calzolari Laura 35 27 17 8 87
Miller Lisa 38 27 19 10 94
Shannon Jerome 35 25 15 10 85
Stringer Amanda 31 23 18 10 82


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}
Allocco Kelly - Score: 96.000
Excellent accessibility narrative!
Calzolari Laura - Score: 87.000

Strong: various ensembles; fundraising for scholarships to graduating HS seniors *** (impact and excellence) and partnerships in other cause fundraising; commitment to audience diversity

Improvement: Since this is s professional choir, consider broadening programming to include more contemporary and cultural diverse repertoire

Miller Lisa - Score: 94.000


I like that you are using survey data to drive your future (i.e. reaching out to a young and more diverse audience). Your plans supports your missing and you are impacting a good  number of people for the dollars requested.
Shannon Jerome - Score: 85.000
{No comments provided.}
Stringer Amanda - Score: 82.000

I think the mission statement could be more compelling if reworded and perhaps revisited. First, the mission "to keep people singing" is relatively unambitious since the ensembles themselves only serve a couple hundred singers. Second, can you "inspire excellence in performance for adults and children through . . . diversity"? Diversity of what--audience, music selections, chorus members, or all? I am unclear what the mission is by reading this part of the statement. What part of your mission involves serving those outside your organization, i.e. your community or audience?

The "Partners in Concert" idea is nice!

Overall, apart from the "Partners in Concert" initiative, the grant seems to emphasize more what the organization does for its singers rather than how it is impactful on the community.

On the website, the only music example is a contemporary sacred piece, and in a church. This gives the impression the group is a church choir rather than community chorus, which is absolutely great unless it is a publicly-funded non-profit. (I'm also relatively certain the piece "Sunny Morning" is not this ensemble. Is this what you mean by 'under construction"?)