Scores and Comments

The Tallahassee Bach Parley, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score550.000
Average Score91.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Ackley Malecha Jan 38 27 20 10 95
Allocco Kelly 40 29 18 8 95
Calzolari Laura 34 26 17 10 87
Miller Lisa 35 25 17 10 87
Shannon Jerome 35 25 20 10 90
Stringer Amanda 38 28 20 10 96


Ackley Malecha Jan - Score: 95.000
{No comments provided.}
Allocco Kelly - Score: 95.000

Excellent and well articulated goals and objectives.  Easy to read! :)

Good detailed marketing plans.



Calzolari Laura - Score: 87.000

I applaud the focus on period instrument performance which is poorly represented in Florida. 

String Academy is a strong component. Audio, preferably video, documentation would be helpful.

Impact:  # of total individuals benefitting =3300 seems to exceed sum of individual event attendance.

Management: Excellence is difficult to evaluate because only 1 audio (not video) clip of a single performance was included and artist bios highlight traditional rather than period instrumental performance credentials. The budget - and consequently the requested grant amount - seem outsized for the limited scope of the programming.  

Miller Lisa - Score: 87.000
I like the variety of programs that are supported from the grant and that they cover a wide range of ages. The support materials included a good variety of itemst that gave me a good picture of your proposal. I didn't see the ADA symbol on your marketing materials.
Shannon Jerome - Score: 90.000
{No comments provided.}
Stringer Amanda - Score: 96.000
Your mission statement is unconventional--is this intentional? It describes what the organization does, but doesn't clearly identify a "mission." I see that this is the same sentence as what's on the "about" page of your website. Is this intentional? If so, I think you could get some very aspirational language out of the rest of the "about" section to craft a great mission statement. Something to consider.