Scores and Comments

Island City Stage, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score449.000
Average Score89.800

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Al-Saber Samer 40 29 20 10 99
Davis Theresa 36 28 18 6 88
Eilola Daniel 40 24 19 6 89
Heron Steven 36 23 16 8 83
Osborne Beth 35 27 18 10 90


Al-Saber Samer - Score: 99.000

Note that the 504 section is confusing and might affect scoring if a referee did not see it properly.  You received a 10/10 for accessibility on my rubric.

Davis Theresa - Score: 88.000

Objectives are not measurable.  Expand the number of weekly performances by how much?  Increase stipends by how much or to how many people?  What activities are you planning to reach your goals and objectives?

Completing the 504 Self Evaluation is not time consuming and will help increase your Accessibility score.  Groups that score high in Accessibility not only describe their ADA accessible features of their facility, they also go into information on how they might make the shows more accessible economically.


Eilola Daniel - Score: 89.000

No outreach or educational programs are evident.

Section 504 Self Evaluation is unclear

Heron Steven - Score: 83.000

I would like to see impact numbers higher with the numbers of LGBT people stated in your first paragraph.  

Is there a way to market or get momentum through more partnerships?

I only ask above because I believe the program is vital and a story that should be told.

Can you please clarify the descripency in ticket sales in your budget breakdown?  One area says $189,086 and below that it lists it as $12,000.

If it is the $189,000 great work on budget to income ratio!!

Complete the 504 Self Evaluation.  If this was completed change the score.

Osborne Beth - Score: 90.000


You might consider targeting LGBTQ teens as a potential audience for future growth and impact.

*I'm assuming that you did the 504 Self-Evaluation and accidentally clicked "no" since there is a date listed.