Scores and Comments

The M Ensemble Company, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score441.000
Average Score88.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Al-Saber Samer 39 29 16 10 94
Davis Theresa 35 27 16 5 83
Eilola Daniel 34 27 19 9 89
Heron Steven 36 23 16 10 85
Osborne Beth 37 28 17 8 90


Al-Saber Samer - Score: 94.000
{No comments provided.}
Davis Theresa - Score: 83.000

There are not any Objectives listed.  The items under the Objectives area are just descriptions of the shows.  Objectives should be specific, measurable items that are associated with achieving a goal.  For example, Increase single ticket growth by 5% or create 4 new business partnerships.

Website and Facebook page have not had any activity since June.

A note under Additional Budget Information about the significant increase in Personnel or any other category would be useful to the panelist.

Is the facility ADA accessible?

Eilola Daniel - Score: 89.000
Make your goals more specific and explain how you plan to carry them out more clearly.
Heron Steven - Score: 85.000

I would think the impact numbers would be MUCH greater for your area.  Is that because of space issues because I see a larger jump in upcoming numbers?

Do you have plans to cover loss of government support if that goes away?  What is that plan?

Osborne Beth - Score: 90.000

Additional attention to ADA accessibility (especially making clear what options are always available in the new theatre space) would be helpful. 

Be sure to submit grant reporting data when requested.