Scores and Comments

El Ingenio, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score453.000
Average Score90.600

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Al-Saber Samer 40 30 20 10 100
Davis Theresa 35 27 17 7 86
Eilola Daniel 37 29 19 9 94
Heron Steven 37 18 16 10 81
Osborne Beth 36 28 18 10 92


Al-Saber Samer - Score: 100.000

- Focus on improving your description of the impact of the theatre.  Currently, the numbers make it appear that your impact is less than your actual impact.  Ask for help or do a study that shows by numbers what your impact is.  My evaluation takes your actual impact into account, but other referees may not.  This is really important for next year. Do a study, even if you have to pay for it.  If you need to reduce your lighting budget to do such study, then do so.  Focus on your soft infrastructure so you can get more grants.  

- Expand your support materials and attachments.  It is very slim and does not show the extent of your work.  Make sure you make an extensive case in advocating for yourself.  You need both Quality and Quantity to show the extent of your efforts.

- Ask for a bit more money next time.

Davis Theresa - Score: 86.000

It is great to see the growth of the company, however there is only an 8% earned income which is low.  What happens to the company if the grants disappear?


Eilola Daniel - Score: 94.000
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Heron Steven - Score: 81.000

Nice goals created and followed in the past.

I would like to see the impact especially in such a large area be larger than the 4100.  Can you let me know why this is?  Space issues such as seating?  With your marketing being so aggressive with 50,000 mailings and email of 35,000 I would think reach would be larger than 4100 over the year or was this for each event?

Budget has grown so quickly can you explain the driving force for this I think it is the Outside services but could you please explain?  

Osborne Beth - Score: 92.000
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