Scores and Comments

Mad Cat Theatre Company, Inc

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score416.000
Average Score83.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Al-Saber Samer 36 25 18 6 85
Davis Theresa 35 27 17 6 85
Eilola Daniel 38 28 19 6 91
Heron Steven 32 23 16 5 76
Osborne Beth 33 26 15 5 79


Al-Saber Samer - Score: 85.000
{No comments provided.}
Davis Theresa - Score: 85.000

No Measurable Objectives.  The goals are not clearly stated.

A 504 Self Evaluation is an easy evaluation to complete that will help with the Accessibility score.




Eilola Daniel - Score: 91.000
I researched and the MTC is ADA compliant as is the Fillmore. Please complete the 504 Self Evaluation Workbook or the abbreviated checklist for the next grant cycle.
Heron Steven - Score: 76.000

Thank you for the support video and materials.  It helped me understand your group MUCH better!!

Please complete the 504 Self Evaluation.

My only worry is the revenue portion of this grant.  If awarded the grant would make up almost 20% of revenue.  How is this being replaced or is it really needed?

Osborne Beth - Score: 79.000

This looks like a fascinating company and it sounds like you're doing exciting work. Your proposal lacks a clearly documented accessibility self-assessment and plan, as well as mechanisms to evaluate the success of this proposal if it were funded.