Scores and Comments

City of Coral Springs

Application Details

Proposal TypeCultural Facilities - Renovation
Request Amount
Total Score837.000
Average Score83.700

Panelist Scores

Panelist ScopeOfWork MatchingFunds ProjectImpact Total
Benson Lois 20 15 30 65
Davis LaVon Bracy 27 27 35 89
Deratany Tim 15 27 39 81
Dickenson Katharine 28 29 36 93
Fraser Towson 29 29 35 93
Lochrie Glenn 20 25 36 81
McMath Hope 22 24 32 78
Olson Terry 28 26 32 86
Townsend Kathryn 25 26 35 86
Williams Pat 28 20 37 85


Benson Lois - Score: 65.000
There are a number of problems with this application. Primarily, the application uses previous roof replacement as a match. However, guidelines preclude using previous expenditures as a match. I believe this probably disqualifies this project. Of course I am a broken record. This project as all based on public money with no private fundraising. There are plenty of allowable vehicles for private donations to public entities, e.g. "Friends of..."
Davis LaVon Bracy - Score: 89.000
There is no sense in bringing great art to a city if all people do not have access to that art. The ADA access upgrades seem to be of utmost importance. Indeed a need.
Deratany Tim - Score: 81.000
confusing description of scope of work.
Dickenson Katharine - Score: 93.000

This is a well written grant with each request for funds clearly articulated as to work to be accomplished. The budget is reasonable for all the improvements to the Coral Springs Center for the Arts.I recall your grant last year was excellent as well.

Earned income is impressive and the number of visitors is huge!

Fraser Towson - Score: 93.000
{No comments provided.}
Lochrie Glenn - Score: 81.000
This grant seemed to go back and forth with details between the larger multi-year project and smaller phase this grant is requesting funds for. It was at times hard to follow and much of the support materials were speaking to the larger effort and not specific to this grants ask. The expense detail included line items that I don't think has anything to do with the requested phase and some line items seemed to be from phases that should have already been completed. This grant was really missing new architect plans and floor plans also pictures of what needs replacing. Show the wear and tear. Show the limited space. Great letters of support.
McMath Hope - Score: 78.000

I appreciate the need to replace things like assisted listening devices, signage, door locks, etc. (in previous request) and items like patching and painting walls, adding outlets, fixing damaged flooring, etc. but feel like organizations/cities should be including these kinds of items in an operational plan for facility repair and replacement.

Are the architectural drawings included here from 1995?

This grant was difficult to navigate.  Trying to understand the activities of THIS proposal in comparison to past work, current work took too much work.  There seems to be more emphasis on what has already happened instead of focusing on making a strong case for THIS grant.

Another example of single donor  There is a solid statement as to why donors can't be solicited.  What is the reference to philanthropy in operating budget?


Olson Terry - Score: 86.000
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Townsend Kathryn - Score: 86.000
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Williams Pat - Score: 85.000
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