Scores and Comments

Historical Society of Central Florida, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeCultural Facilities - Renovation
Request Amount
Total Score772.000
Average Score85.778

Panelist Scores

Panelist ScopeOfWork MatchingFunds ProjectImpact Total
Benson Lois 25 25 30 80
Davis LaVon Bracy 25 28 35 88
Deratany Tim 27 24 36 87
Dickenson Katharine 28 28 35 91
Fraser Towson 25 28 35 88
Lochrie Glenn 20 23 34 77
McMath Hope
Olson Terry 29 29 38 96
Townsend Kathryn 26 25 34 85
Williams Pat 24 24 32 80


Benson Lois - Score: 80.000
Worthy project. It is valuable for a non-profit facility to support camps and classrooms. Becoming ADA compliant is also valuable. It appears that this facility is heavily supported by tax payer funds. Tourist Development taxes and an increase in County funds are cited in their financial support. I was troubled that 13% of their funds come from individuals versus 24% from the state. I think the majority of your funds should come from individuals with help from state and local government.
Davis LaVon Bracy - Score: 88.000

It is commendable that the History Center desires to have more room so that space can be utilized for free. This will undoubtedly be a great help to local community groups. Although the grant made mention of field trips and classroom space I would have appreciated reading more info regarding partnerships with underserved populations. Timeline for work should be defined with more clarity.


Deratany Tim - Score: 87.000
{No comments provided.}
Dickenson Katharine - Score: 91.000

Very well presented grant. Clear, concise explanation of the grant work. 

This is an exemplary project.

Financials are strong.

Fraser Towson - Score: 88.000
{No comments provided.}
Lochrie Glenn - Score: 77.000
The architectural plans are old and I see money from the grant will go to Architectural and design services, I do see one sketch for the lobby but without plans already complete, how was the pricing breakdown for the project estimated? How were all the costs estimated? This lobby is part of the much larger project, I would have liked to see details on the whole project; prices, timelines, plans and status to see how this lobby project fits into the overall effort. Needed floorplan so we could understand where the additional rentable space and lobby space will be located. There were cost details included in this grant, I don't see how they were calculated without plans. Is there any fundraising with this project?
McMath Hope - Score: 0
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Olson Terry - Score: 96.000
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Townsend Kathryn - Score: 85.000
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Williams Pat - Score: 80.000
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