Scores and Comments

Shoestring Theatre, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score535.000
Average Score89.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 36 25 17 10 88
Conner Tracey 36 27 18 9 90
Dale Mary-Margaret 37 24 16 8 85
Flynt-Garrett Debra 36 27 18 9 90
Hopkins Rebecca 36 27 17 9 89
Lynch Lindsay 39 27 19 8 93


Carr Kevin - Score: 88.000

good clear, measurable goals

No corporate support. 

Youth theater... why only 2 roles in the 16-23 range??






Conner Tracey - Score: 90.000

Excellence - Clear mission with appropriate goals. What are your measurable objectives? What are Jukebox Player Productions? It would be helpful to summarize goals, objectives and activities using bullet points.

Impact - Interesting history and success of education program. Outreach to multiple different audiences. Economic impact not addressed.

Accessibility - Five years since 504 Self Evaluation.

Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 85.000

The information about how many and the types of productions in the season, are different in the Proposal Synopsis and the Goals section. 

Would like more details on how the theatre impacts the local economy.


Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 90.000

I really like the idea of expanding the opportunities for actors in the 16-23 age group

Have a wide variety of community partners

What are you doing to encourage more diversity in your patrons?

The goal to increase attendance, participation in programs, and use of available facilities by 10% in the 2018-2019 is quite a goal

Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 89.000

Turned in your reports late for the last 2 years

Goals, objectives,and activities were convoluted. Recommend breaking it into categories and using bullet points for clarity.

 Could use stronger support material particularly letters of support 

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 93.000

Impact: Some outdated content was possibly included in reference to the ECHO grant?

Management: It would be helpful to have more detail regarding fiscal condition and stability. Robust evaluation plan is included.