Scores and Comments

Pensacola Little Theatre, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score551.000
Average Score91.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 33 26 13 10 82
Conner Tracey 37 29 20 10 96
Dale Mary-Margaret 37 29 18 9 93
Flynt-Garrett Debra 40 28 20 10 98
Hopkins Rebecca 37 28 18 9 92
Lynch Lindsay 35 27 18 10 90


Carr Kevin - Score: 82.000

I'd like to see more measurables in your goals and objectives. How will you know when/if you are successful?

extensive marketing plan and impact

I'd like to see more community partnerships.

I'd like to see a better evaluation plan. What role does the Board play in evaluation? surveys

over 100 percent increase in administrative salaries?

Almost 100k increase in cash expenses? What makes you confident that is sustainable or achievable. Theres nothing in your application that gives me the confidence that you can acheive that kind of growth so quickly


Conner Tracey - Score: 96.000
Excellence - Clear mission and extensive programming. You could elaborate on program activities and include additional partners.
Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 93.000

Proposal Description is blank.

Good understanding of your community's population and your vision to serve it and welcome everyone in your space.

Would appreciate understanding the impact on the local economy.




Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 98.000

Mission statement clearly describes organization, and goals, objectives, and programs/activities fully support the mission.

I am confident in the ability of the organization to carry out the proposal.

PLT provides vital cultural services to the area.

Beyond Boundaries traveling theatre is truly an asset to the community.

Very appropriate and effective marketing/promotion/publicity and audience development/expansion efforts.

What is the basis of the large increase in the operating budget for administrative personnel?

I am very confident in the organization's fiscal stability and ability to carry out the proposed activities given the operating budget, grant proposal budget, and fiscal information.

I am very confident in the ability of the applicant to sustain the programs after the grant period.



Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 92.000

Excellent goals and objectives

Strong marketing plan

good financial management

Why is administration budget jumping so much?

how did your operating budget match to the dollar last year?

Support material had no outside sources, media or letters from community.

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 90.000

Excellence: Objectives should be measurable. Timeline would be easier to follow with months/quarters for reference.

Impact: It would strengthen the proposal if you could include local economic impact data.

Management - Good evaluation plan.