Scores and Comments

Miami Lyric Opera, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score451.000
Average Score90.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 36 23 15 10 84
Conner Tracey 37 25 16 10 88
Dale Mary-Margaret
Flynt-Garrett Debra 36 26 20 10 92
Hopkins Rebecca 36 26 18 10 90
Lynch Lindsay 40 30 17 10 97


Carr Kevin - Score: 84.000

No measurable goals or objectives. Need more specific, measurable outcomes.

limited impact relative to amount requested.

marketing: "aggressive" email and direct mail? Does that turn off your potential customers?

extensive marketing efforts.

like the cap on ticket prices

No corporate support? Not a lot of other earned revenue beyond ticket sales. A lot of reliance on DOS funds. You should try to expand and diversify your income sources.  

I'd like to see a stronger evaluation plan.

Conner Tracey - Score: 88.000

Excellence - Mission, goals and activities are clear. Objectives need to be measurable. Partnerships are strong.

Impact - Limited number of individuals impacted and events produced per budget size ($48/pp). Is there outreach to diverse populations?


Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 0
{No comments provided.}
Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 92.000

Goals, objectives, & activities support the mission

Making opera more accessible to the general public

Young artist opportunities, 3 per production

Embracing the Latin-American and Caribbean communities

Activities to increase opera appreciation in young people

Fortunate to have great community partners

The individual impact numbers do not add up to equal the total individuals that will benefit

Economic impact numbers are very impressive

I love the Culture Shock program to provide $5 tickets to teens & young adults

The co-operative marketing with the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center is a win-win

Love that you have maintained the artistic quality while growing the organization

You are a training ground for young opera performers

Well done

Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 90.000

good marketing plan

Why deficit last year.

Good support, but lacked letters of support from local leaers

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 97.000
Management: Fiscal stability response should focus more on fiscal stability of the organization. Evaluation could be strengthened with inclusion of more measures.