Scores and Comments

Florida Cultural Group, Inc

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score575.000
Average Score95.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 37 30 18 10 95
Conner Tracey 40 29 18 10 97
Dale Mary-Margaret 37 28 18 10 93
Flynt-Garrett Debra 40 30 17 10 97
Hopkins Rebecca 38 29 17 10 94
Lynch Lindsay 39 30 20 10 99


Carr Kevin - Score: 95.000


significant projected decrease in marketing expenses. Why?

significant projected decrease in ticket sales. 

concerned about decreases in budget projections 

Conner Tracey - Score: 97.000
{No comments provided.}
Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 93.000

Comprehensive Marketing plan. Are there also plans to increase paid social media presence, i.e. Facebook/Instagram ads, boosted posts? Any consideration of other paid digital ads?

Commitment to community and innovation is evident through Action Through Acting program.

Appreciate commitment to diversity. Are there metrics in place that will help measure success?

Providing access to transportation to help alleviate traffic congestion is an excellent way to encourage participation.





Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 97.000

Mission statement is fully supported by goals, objectives, and activities.

Great activities/programs.

I am confident in the ability of the organization to carry out the proposal.

Great partnerships/collaborations.

Provides vital cultural services to community.

I am very confident in the organization's fiscal stability and ability to carry out the proposed activities given the operating budget, grant proposal budget, and fiscal information.

I am very confident in the ability of the applicant to sustain the programs after the grant period.



Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 94.000

23 productions? I counted 14

Strong objectives

did not completely understand the Action through Action program, although it sounds very positive

Good economic impact.

Strong Marketing plan

More than a 100K jump projected in your admin expenses, why?

Drop of 100K in Outside Programmatic fees, why?

Big Mortgage/Rental expenses? Do you carry a mortgage, does board have plans to retire?


Very low in-kind for a community theatre- big drop down, why?

Why is your Admission revenue going down?

Why is your private support being cut in 1/2?

very high salaries for the market.

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 99.000

Excellence: Timeline is a little confusing.

Management: Strong evaluation plan