Scores and Comments

Florida Shakespeare Theater, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score550.000
Average Score91.667

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 38 27 17 10 92
Conner Tracey 38 30 17 10 95
Dale Mary-Margaret 36 29 18 10 93
Flynt-Garrett Debra 38 27 16 10 91
Hopkins Rebecca 36 28 19 10 93
Lynch Lindsay 35 24 17 10 86


Carr Kevin - Score: 92.000

Congrats on partnership with Folger Library!

I'd like to see more detailed objectives and goals

relatively limited impact

Would like to see a stronger evaluation plan to determine if you are meeting your mission (beyond just attendance)

Strong corporate support. I'd like to see stronger/more diverse support from individual giving and other revenus sources.



Conner Tracey - Score: 95.000

Excellence - Project description is clear and goals are reasonable. Your partnerships are a great asset.

Impact - Marketing plan to reach diverse audiences is good.

Management - Proposed budget is twice that of last year's budget. It looks like most of the projected increase in funding is in foundation and state grants.


  • What funding has been secured?
  • How will you implement project if grants are not fully funded?
Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 93.000

A nicely organized proposal. Would like to see details of how these programs make an economic impact beyond patrons being able to spend more with local businesses because the play is free. 

The grant funding period is 7/1/18-6/30/19 but this project takes place in January 2018 - maybe I missed something? 

Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 91.000

I have a few comments/questions

Under Goals, Objectives & Activities

The performance date should be January 2019 not 2018

I love Hamlet being set in the Jazz Age, although you may reach a younger audience if it were in a current setting.

I appreciate the "color-blind" casting

The live streaming sessions are a great idea

The budget notes did not address the increases in expenses for Outside Fees & Services: Programmatic; Travel expenses added to the budget; or why the Remaining Operating Expenses increased by 4 times. 

Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 93.000

Very clear

Your operating budget is doubling, why?

Why are you expecting a drop in Corporate sponsorship?

where is your additional foundation support coming from?

Some media or third party testimonials would of been helpful. You needs letters of support.

Good videos


Lynch Lindsay - Score: 86.000

Given widespread familiarity with Hamlet, it was not necessary for the applicant to include a synopsis of the play.

Excellence: Space could have been better utilized to address the required grant elements. Objectives are not clearly defined or measurable.

Impact: The impact numbers seem low when compared to the local total population, especially in respect to the impact on school-based youth. More information on the outreach plan for school-based youth would be helpful. Colorblind casting and maintaining quality of life for artists are points of excellence.

Management: More discussion of the evaluation measures would be helpful. These should tie to objectives that can be measured. There is a significant increase in programmatic expenses. It is not clear if this increase is the marketing expense discussed in the budget notes or not.