Scores and Comments

Sol Children Theatre, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score521.000
Average Score86.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 35 23 15 10 83
Conner Tracey 31 24 18 9 82
Dale Mary-Margaret 31 25 16 8 80
Flynt-Garrett Debra 36 27 18 9 90
Hopkins Rebecca 35 27 18 9 89
Lynch Lindsay 38 30 20 9 97


Carr Kevin - Score: 83.000

No measurable goals or objectives, particularly related to community outreach (your mission)

No description of how you are engaging and working with your partners

very limited impact in terms of the amount requested

Can you explain why you had such a wide fluctuation in your expenses and income from last year to this year in the budget? Expenses went down while revenues went up. Please explain.

Not a really strong evaluation plan. Please describe how you use evaluation data and what you hope to acheive with it?

Conner Tracey - Score: 82.000

Excellence - Missing measurable objectives. You have room to be much more descriptive on your programs. This is your opportunity to tell your story. After reading this section, I still don't feel that I know what you are about. Please describe how you are working with your partners. Is Evening Star Productions a separate company using your space? Not clear to me as I'm not from your area.

Impact - Counties served are Broward and Miami-Dade, but will take place in Osceola?? If possible, include numbers in your economic impact.

You are probably a much better company than this proposal reflects. You should spend more time on clear descriptions and support materials that really show off your work. Wishing you well.

Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 80.000

Proposal Description is blank.

Would like more details on how the goals and activities will be measured.Would also appreciate details on how Sol works with the listed partners.

Would like to better understand the the breakdown of community members who benefit from programs, based from the statement "The mix of patrons if fairly even."

Great understanding of impact on kids being involved in theatre. Great commitment to supporting local artists.

Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 90.000

Edit your proposal, the synopsis is asking for support for the 2017-2018 season

The Mission Statement on their website is different from the proposal

Goals, objectives, and activities are impressive

The breakdown of individuals benefiting does not add up to the total

There was no additional information provided to explain the decrease in expenses and increase in income

Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 89.000

Solid programming. Could use clearer objectives and goals. For example what are the challenges you are trying to meet? Do you want to grow by any % points. This was mainly a list of activities,

What are you doing with the partnerships

What is your actual economic impact. Use the Arts and Prosperity study.

Letters of support from local leaders would be helpful

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 97.000

Excellence: Measurable goals, objectives, and activities could be described in more detail. Partnership should include a description of how each partner will contribute to the project. Detail provided in timeline is a strength.

Impact: Strong description of participant impact. Robust outreach plan is described in detail.

Management: Evaluation plan includes both qualitative and quantitative measures.