Scores and Comments

Tallahassee Little Theatre, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score575.000
Average Score95.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 36 27 20 10 93
Conner Tracey 38 27 19 10 94
Dale Mary-Margaret 39 27 20 9 95
Flynt-Garrett Debra 40 30 20 10 100
Hopkins Rebecca 38 29 18 10 95
Lynch Lindsay 39 30 20 9 98


Carr Kevin - Score: 93.000

good clear measurable goals

great, comprehensive marketing plan

what role do the Board and audiences play in the evaluation of your organization and mission.

Conner Tracey - Score: 94.000

Excellence - Clear goals and measurable outcomes. Obvious community outreach and benefits to partners.

Impact - It's great that you are looking for ways to engage younger audiences and participants.

Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 95.000

Proposal Description is blank.

Well-organized and prepared.

Very good outline of goals and how they expect to be achieved, and ultimately measured for success.

Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 100.000

The mission statement clearly describes organization, and programs & activities fully support the mission.

I am very confident in the ability of the organization to carry out the proposal.

The broad range of partnerships supports the ability to achieve the mission.

Provides vital cultural services to the community and service area.

Impact, education, and outreach is very impressive.

Very confident in the organization's fiscal stability and ability to carry out the proposed activities.

Very confident in the ability of the applicant to sustain the programs after the grant period.

Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 95.000

very clear goals, objectives and activities

Strong partnerships

Strong Marketing plan

Solid financials

great support materials. You could of used letters of support from local community leaders

37 days late last final report

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 98.000

Excellence: Strong description of goals, objectives, and activities is includes, along with detailed description of partnerships. Timeline could be more detailed.

Impact: Significant local impact and strong marketing/outreach plan are described.

Management:TT appears to be in strong financial shape. The evaluation plan is designed to measure project activities, but is primarily quantitative.

Accessibility: Excellent accessibility accommodations in place.