Scores and Comments

New Tampa Players

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score529.000
Average Score88.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 30 20 20 10 80
Conner Tracey 36 23 15 10 84
Dale Mary-Margaret 36 28 17 8 89
Flynt-Garrett Debra 40 27 18 10 95
Hopkins Rebecca 36 26 18 10 90
Lynch Lindsay 33 30 18 10 91


Carr Kevin - Score: 80.000

no specific measurable goals or objectives. 

great partnerships

very small impact

marketing: include email marketing

not a great diversity of revenue sources. You are expanding programming and expenses without a viable plan to increase revenues and fundraising.


Conner Tracey - Score: 84.000

Excellence - Clear mission and goals/activities support mission. Need measurable outcomes. Strong partnerships. Grant panelists come from all over Florida and may not be familiar with you and your partners. I had to look up Univ. Area CDC, so just a note that you might want to elaborate or give full names next time.

Impact - Individuals impacted don't add up to 1,960. You are only expecting an average of 49 people per each opportunity for public participation? Economic impact?

Management - Show large deficits all three years of Org Budget.

Hope you can successfully overcome your financial challenges. You have programs worthy of support.

Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 89.000

Appreciate that diversity in programming and casting is important.

Nice collaboration with a another local community theatre partner.

Would like to see more clearly defined methods for measuring success of goals.

Good use of Facebook marketing and analytics.

Would like more details of how the board and leadership are ensuring that the challenges in income and expenses will not present further risk to the operation.




Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 95.000

The goals, objectives & activities support the mission statement

Very impressed with the willingness to bring more diverse programming to reach a more broadly diverse audience

Removing the audition fee & expanding the participation of other non-profits is a great move!

Very impressive partnerships

Impact numbers do not equal the total individual who will benefit

Great local collaborations

Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 90.000

Nice work on partnerships. Spanish Lyric Theatre, Kid's Place, and Metropolitan Ministries. Commend your efforts to diversify programming. Confused by opening sentence in Goals. it says you produced 3, but are producing 4. Is this your goal to expand to a 4 shows? State that clearer 

You are showing big jumps in admissions.  Doubling from last year to this and increasing again next year? How is that happening?

How are you going to more than double your grant goal?

You say your trimming your production expenses yet your budget is up?

commend your sign language performance and working into sensory Friendly

1900 is a small impact number for such large shows

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 91.000

Excellence: Objective should be measurable.

Management: Possible fiscal instability.