Scores and Comments

Theatre Jacksonville, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score581.000
Average Score96.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 40 30 17 10 97
Conner Tracey 39 29 19 10 97
Dale Mary-Margaret 39 28 19 9 95
Flynt-Garrett Debra 40 30 20 10 100
Hopkins Rebecca 39 28 20 10 97
Lynch Lindsay 37 30 20 8 95


Carr Kevin - Score: 97.000

No detailed timeline

outstanding programs and outreach

extensive impact

extensive evaluation plan

very high salaries relative to your overall budget

Conner Tracey - Score: 97.000

Excellence - Clear mission and goals. Objectives should be measurable. Good descriptions of program activities and innovative partnerships.

Accessibility - Note that last 504 Self Evaluation was completed in 2012.

Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 95.000

Proposal Description is blank.

Well-organized proposal.

Appreciate the innovation in creating the Theatre for Babies program.

Appreciate the commitment to diversity across the board, especially what is perceived to be striving for gender parity in playwrights. Encourage to also include diversity of experiences when selecting titles as well.




Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 100.000

Mission statement clearly describes organization and programs/activities fully support the mission.

Extensive and clearly described partnerships/collaborations.

Provides vital cultural services to the service area.

Individuals benefiting numbers do not add up to total individuals to benefit.

Extensive activities planned

Very appropriate number of individuals benefiting from the program/project.

Very impressive economic impact information.

Very confident in the organization's fiscal stability and ability to carry our the proposed activities given the operating budget, grant proposal budget, and fiscal information.

Very confident in the ability of the applicant to sustain the programs after the grant period.


Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 97.000

Clear Goal, Objectives, and activities. Need to have benchmarks within i.e. how much of a % do you want to increase box office admissions by

Good Partnerships

Good financial security

Strong support package

Good job!

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 95.000

Excellence: Good breadth of activities; however the goals do not have measurable targets included. Timeline could be more descriptive.

Impact: Strong local impact and description of marketing and promotion activities.

Management: strong program evaluation plan

Accessibility: Section 504 Evaluation is more than 2 years old