Scores and Comments

Kaleidoscope Theatre Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score553.000
Average Score92.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 33 25 18 10 86
Conner Tracey 37 28 18 10 93
Dale Mary-Margaret 35 26 17 9 87
Flynt-Garrett Debra 40 28 20 10 98
Hopkins Rebecca 38 28 18 9 93
Lynch Lindsay 38 30 18 10 96


Carr Kevin - Score: 86.000

need more measurable goals and objectives

great partnerships

Lacking details and specifics in your marketing plan

Why such a dramatic increase in programming expenses this year? (over 10k increase?) No explanation,

I'd like to see more corporate support and more earned revenue given the size of your budget. 

Need policies and procedures and staff person for accessibility.

Conner Tracey - Score: 93.000

Excellence - Clear mission and supporting goals. You should include measurable objectives. Strong partnerships.

Impact - Great that you offer free admission to special populations and offer youth educational opportunities.

Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 87.000

Proposal description is blank.

Would appreciate more measurable activities related to goals.

For the goals related to increasing the audience base, would be interested in seeing them outlined and the related activities to accomplish the goal(s).

Applaud the willingness to take on more risky titles in the name of artistic integrity. Encourage being mindful of diversity of voices in playwrights / titles selected for future seasons. 

Very nice commitment to making the theatre accessible to people of all abilities. Even though all staff are volunteers, recommend developing policies and procedures to be compliant with ADA Guidelines and having a designated contact.


Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 98.000

The goals, objectives & activities support the mission statement

Appear to have many great local partnerships

Just curious as to why there are no artists included in the individuals in the Impact section. What about the actors, set designers, etc? Even volunteers are artists.

Good use of ticket sales data to determine a seventh show doesn't work

Great accessibility for those who may not otherwise be able to attend the theatre

Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 93.000

Good goals and objectives. They would be stronger if you identified specifics. How much would you like to grow the audience by?

Good partnerships

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 96.000
Impact: Strong local impact