Scores and Comments

Vero Beach Theatre Guild

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score559.000
Average Score93.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 34 27 15 10 86
Conner Tracey 36 27 20 10 93
Dale Mary-Margaret 37 29 18 9 93
Flynt-Garrett Debra 40 30 20 10 100
Hopkins Rebecca 36 28 17 9 90
Lynch Lindsay 39 30 20 8 97


Carr Kevin - Score: 86.000

excellent for your commitment to accessibility!

I would have liked to have seen more specifics in your objectives, particularly in relation to uor maketing and education goals. HOw are you going to increas attendance for ed programs?

Excellent economic impact data.

solid marketing plan

Why the significant drop in Marketing funds this year? (approximately $10k)

Looks like there will be a significant drop in financial support from several categories, foundations, "other" and contracted services, yet you are significantly increasing salaries for technical production and decreasing marketing funds? 

Why such a significant drop in Total Operating Income this year? I'm concerned about sustainability.


Conner Tracey - Score: 93.000

Excellence - Guild on the Go - great idea! Could be more specific on measurable objectives. Support materials would be easier to review if clearer pdf and right side up.


Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 93.000

Well-prepared proposal.

Encourage thinking about providing more diverse voices and gender parity when selecting titles for future seasons. 

Strong effort in making the theatre economically accessible to all. Perhaps even could make free tickets part of the education and outreach activities to invite youth center groups to attend a performance with their families who may not typically go to the theatre.


Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 100.000

Goals, objective & activities support the mission statement

Clearly defined goals, objective & activities

Confident in the organization's ability to carry out the proposal

Extensive partnerships and collaborations

Provides vital cultural services to community

Proposed activities are achievable within the grant period

Great education & outreach

Very confident in the ability of the applicant to sustain the programs after the grant period


Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 90.000

Strong  volunteer support.

Good goals and objectives

Very clean written grant. Easy to understand your goals.

Solid financials

Didn't fill out the whole  project budget.

Could use stronger support material. Three were no letters of support

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 97.000

Impact: Strong financial impact. Robust marketing and outreach plan to engage a broad audience.

Management: Evaluation plan includes both qualitative and quantitative measures of impact.

Accessibility: Section 504 Plan Evaluation is more than 2 years old. Accommodations appear to be aligned with target audience.