Scores and Comments

Marathon Community Theatre, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score553.000
Average Score92.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 35 28 18 10 91
Conner Tracey 35 27 20 10 92
Dale Mary-Margaret 34 23 17 10 84
Flynt-Garrett Debra 37 28 20 10 95
Hopkins Rebecca 39 28 17 10 94
Lynch Lindsay 38 30 19 10 97


Carr Kevin - Score: 91.000

very broad mission statement for a community theater

good marketing plan

Administrative salaries seem high given the size of the budget. Is that sustainable?

Conner Tracey - Score: 92.000

Missed info on Applicant Status, Institution, Race, Discipline

Excellence - Your objectives should be measurable. "Increase attendance by 5%" is good. There is room to elaborate on your activities such as the titles of your shows and descriptions of your classes, art exhibits, and Summer Theatre program.

Management - Congratulations on paying off your mortgage! It's great to see your rental income, which will help pay for capital improvements.

Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 84.000

Some of the initial questions under Contacts were left blank.

Proposal clearly demonstrates commitment to locals and tourists, by providing a wide-array of arts and cultural activities. 

If there is a commitment to presenting diversity of voices, since it seems that there is a very diverse audience, would appreciate seeing that reflected in proposal.

Suggest exploring advertising through Facebook to target specific groups of visitors and Keys locals.

Would be good to also include a sense of how many tourists participate in programs in addition to community members to adequately evaluate if appropriate number of people are impacted.

Congratulations on outright owning your space!


Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 95.000

The goal to increase attendance by 5% seems reasonable

Having the mortgage paid off should increase the ability to increase the capital improvements fund

Great community partners

The tie in with local hotels/motels is a great marketing tool; there is a wide variety of marketing partners, and strong community ties.

The additional operating budget information answered the questions I had regarding increases in remaining operating expense and total cash income.

Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 94.000

Very clear goals and activities.

Nice partnerships

Well written grant overall

Marketing  plan could be fleshed out to be easier to decipher. It seemed very general.

37 days late with you last final report

Strong volunteer organization.

Good paying off mortgage

Strong support material

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 97.000

Excellence: Goals, objectives, and activities are not measurable.

Impact: MCT appears to have significant financial and artistic impact on the community. MArketing and promotion efforts are designed to target the large local tourist population.

Management: Evaluation plan could be strengthened through inclusion of patron feedback. Budget reflects needed upgrades.
