Scores and Comments

Bay Street Players, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score521.000
Average Score86.833

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 35 24 14 10 83
Conner Tracey 34 27 15 10 86
Dale Mary-Margaret 34 24 16 8 82
Flynt-Garrett Debra 40 30 10 10 90
Hopkins Rebecca 35 28 17 10 90
Lynch Lindsay 35 27 20 8 90


Carr Kevin - Score: 83.000

very low marketing budget despite the overall size of your budget. Not a very detailed marketing budget

I would have liked to have seen specific measurable goals and objectives

very low corporate support


Conner Tracey - Score: 86.000

Excellence - Objectives should be measurable. 

Management - Significant deficits all three years of operating budgets and no explanations.

Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 82.000

Would like to see more clearly defined metrics for success.

Appreciate commitment to diversity. Encourage setting metrics for success to measure efforts.

Good open rate for weekly email. Are there plans to have a social media presence and explore paid Facebook/Instagram ads and boosted posts?


Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 90.000

The mission statement is fully supported by goals, objectives, and activities.

Clearly described proposed programs.

I am confident in the organization's ability to carry out proposal.

I love the student's hands on involvement in the tech crew.

The theatre provides vital cultural services to the community of Eustis.

Impressed by the economic impact the theatre has on the historic downtown.

Can you explain why there is an increasing deficit for each year of the Operating Budget.

Why are costumers listed twice for the same amount in the proposal budget?


Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 90.000

Strong goals and objectives

Could use a stronger marketing plan. Answer was fairly general.

good impact.

It looks like you are running deficit operations? What is your accumulated deficit?  Budget explanation needed to explain this.

Need better support material. video very fuzzy.

Where are you letters of support?

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 90.000

Excellence: Format selected for the objectives if confusing.

Management: Strong evaluation plan.