Scores and Comments

Ritz Community Theater Projects, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score565.000
Average Score94.167

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Carr Kevin 37 26 18 10 91
Conner Tracey 39 29 19 10 97
Dale Mary-Margaret 38 29 17 9 93
Flynt-Garrett Debra 40 28 18 10 96
Hopkins Rebecca 35 28 20 10 93
Lynch Lindsay 37 28 20 10 95


Carr Kevin - Score: 91.000

great goals and objectives.

extensive partnerships and programming




Conner Tracey - Score: 97.000
{No comments provided.}
Dale Mary-Margaret - Score: 93.000

Well-prepared proposal.

Applaud efforts to analyze data and as a result develop a comprehensive marketing plan. 

Appreciate commitment to energy efficiency.

Suggest giving consideration to titles that reflect a diversity of voices and gender parity.

Is offering ASL interpreted performances part of the special needs offerings?

Would also appreciate knowing if plans to reach new audience members from diverse backgrounds is part of the strategy. 





Flynt-Garrett Debra - Score: 96.000

Mission statement clearly describes the organization and programs/activities fully support the mission.Clear goals and measurable objectives and activities, great programs, I am confident in the ability of the organization to carry out the proposal.

Great partnerships/collaborations.

Your impact numbers add up, but wouldn't you include the unpaid artists in the number of artists involved?

Provide vital cultural services to your service area.

Extensive economic impact information.

Very appropriate and effective marketing/promotion/publicity and audience development/expansion efforts.

Impressive increase in available operating cash, having almost 6 months of operating cash on hand is most admirable.

I am very confident in the organization's fiscal stability & ability to carry out the proposed activities given the operating budget, grant proposal budget and fiscal information.

Evaluation methods are well defined, clear & fully measurable.

I am very confident in the ability of the applicant to sustain the programs after the grant period.


Hopkins Rebecca - Score: 93.000

Clear achievable goals and objectives.

Good work on your on-line media/marketing plan.

Solid impact numbers.

Stable fiscal management.

Strong letters of support

Lynch Lindsay - Score: 95.000
Excellence: Objectives should be measurable.