Scores and Comments

The Florida Heritage Book Festival, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score446.000
Average Score89.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Byrnes Kaye 40 28 19 8 95
Carrion Teresa 36 26 19 10 91
Fernandez Rana Paola 34 26 18 10 88
Rusnak Jeff 36 27 18 7 88
Suárez Virgil 39 30 7 8 84


Byrnes Kaye - Score: 95.000
  • Beautifully strong focus on Florida authors and history
  • Clear, focused goals and strategies
  • Addition of ComiCon is a smart initiative to broaden the audience
  • Great partnerships and broad funding support
  • Philanthropic mission; event supports local literacy
  • Strong evaluation plan
  • No support materials??
  • Always like to see a specific outreach initiative to the disabled community, beyond the symbol(s)
Carrion Teresa - Score: 91.000
{No comments provided.}
Fernandez Rana Paola - Score: 88.000
Good overall marketing effort to print and electronic media.
Rusnak Jeff - Score: 88.000
The application was heavy on tourism and light on how Florida writers are selected and how they're impacted. Would have liked to know more about the visitor experience in terms of the presentation of readings, Q&A sessions with authors and the like. More culture, less tourism. No attachments or support materials, which would have been highly instructive in getting a picture of the event and how it is promoted. 
Suárez Virgil - Score: 84.000
The ComicCon-style event intrigues me.