Scores and Comments

The Miami Foundation, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score461.000
Average Score92.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Byrnes Kaye 40 30 20 10 100
Carrion Teresa 39 28 19 10 96
Fernandez Rana Paola 38 27 18 10 93
Rusnak Jeff 36 27 18 8 89
Suárez Virgil 36 29 10 8 83


Byrnes Kaye - Score: 100.000
  • Outstanding range of events; Clear focus on target audience; Strong partnerships
  • Incredibly high participation; high impact on targeted communities
  • Strong financial partnerships
  • Marketing budget = $2K....curiously (and admirably) low for such a wide-ranging, high impact proposal
Carrion Teresa - Score: 96.000
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Fernandez Rana Paola - Score: 93.000
Goals and objectives are very ambitious and clearly defined.
Rusnak Jeff - Score: 89.000
The application lists 330 artists being directly involved, but doesn't indicate clearly the process for selecting artists and how they benefit or how their work impacts their audiences. There was lots of copy about reaching an audience, but not enough art content. Nice to see EXILE devote grant funds to paying artist fees. 
Suárez Virgil - Score: 83.000
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