Scores and Comments

Palm Beach Poetry Festival, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score455.000
Average Score91.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Byrnes Kaye 38 30 20 10 98
Carrion Teresa 37 24 19 10 90
Fernandez Rana Paola 32 26 20 8 86
Rusnak Jeff 40 30 19 9 98
Suárez Virgil 38 30 8 7 83


Byrnes Kaye - Score: 98.000
  • Outstanding schedule of activities and events relevant to the stated mission
  • Extensive participation, strong impact
  • Strong financial partnerships
Carrion Teresa - Score: 90.000
{No comments provided.}
Fernandez Rana Paola - Score: 86.000
Goals and objectives not clearly defined. The proposal description was mostly a list of activities. Regarding Impact, numbers are good but what, if anything, is Poetry Festival doing to increase audience diversification?
Rusnak Jeff - Score: 98.000
Loved the statement about the purpose and value of poetry in the proposal impact section. This shows a passion for the artform that makes an event like this possible.
Suárez Virgil - Score: 83.000
{No comments provided.}