Scores and Comments

Key West Literary Seminar, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score460.000
Average Score92.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Byrnes Kaye 40 28 18 10 96
Carrion Teresa 39 23 18 10 90
Fernandez Rana Paola 39 29 20 10 98
Rusnak Jeff 40 29 20 9 98
Suárez Virgil 35 29 6 8 78


Byrnes Kaye - Score: 96.000
  • Strong array of program initiatives; love the addition of Young Writer's Workshop
  • Strong but moderate impact at 1500 total; many from out of state is a plus economically
  • Great financial partnerships; 
  • $187K for Admin Personnel .... would like details ....
  • Strong accessibility initiatives


Carrion Teresa - Score: 90.000
{No comments provided.}
Fernandez Rana Paola - Score: 98.000
{No comments provided.}
Rusnak Jeff - Score: 98.000
Clear, succinct and compelling application.
Suárez Virgil - Score: 78.000
The last few times there has not been a representative of the program on the line we can ask questions to.