Scores and Comments

Mickee Faust Alternative Performance Club, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeSpecific Cultural Project - Underserved Cultural Community Development
Request Amount
Total Score285.000
Average Score95.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Bosley Cicely 40 29 18 10 97
Gordon-Wallace Rosie 37 28 19 8 92
Haas Pamela 39 28 19 10 96


Bosley Cicely - Score: 97.000

Minority service organization - thank you for serving your community! 

Oh I love that you are prioritizing applicants with disabilities for your positions!

Nice detailed goals and objectives. You've done your planning.

Big jump in expenses. Is this the new outdoor space? Ending in a small deficit.

You are a model for inclusion and accessibility. 

Gordon-Wallace Rosie - Score: 92.000
Grant request to pay three part time staff members.....
Haas Pamela - Score: 96.000
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